What is Smukke-Speak?
I'm a translator. I read between lines and figure out what someone meant to say. I do this for a living, as a technical editor, translating what engineers say into actual English. The thing is, once you have started translating, you can't put up boundaries. Suddenly you realize everything needs a translation: Politicians, newsmakers, crooks, angels, doctors...
I'm a skeptic, too. I don't believe anything I can't touch. I don't believe someone charged with a crime is guilty. But I don't believe s/he's innocent either. Give me the facts, and then I can form an opinion. If you leave something out, I have doubts. Questions.... always questions.
I'm a goof. Nothing is too big for parody. Nothing too small for rhyme. Laughter and music are good for the soul. Nothing is so sacred that it cannot be sung or laughed.
I hope we can share some thoughts about the state of the world, the news of the day, and whatever else may need translation.
Hi Smukke! Glad you've launched!!!
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